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Articles about how Bill Gothard mishandles the Bible to support his legalistic viewpoint.

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Stories and accounts of the destruction caused by the teachings of Bill Gothard.

Tag Archives: church


9 April 2015, 06:00



In groups like the Advanced Training Institute, we have an identity and a community. We might not always like it, but it gives us a level of security. We are surrounded by people who think like us. We speak a different language from other people around us, using words like “courtship,” “motivational gift,” “rhema” and […]

No Grace without Jesus

30 October 2014, 11:57



There’s a new move away from the church these days. If that’s all it was, I wouldn’t be concerned. The church needs to get its act together in so many ways. We went from stuck in the past to stuck in the market. But I think that will happen over time. I think the church […]

Not My Doctor

1 July 2013, 06:00



I forced a twisted, pained smile and begged an excuse for a hasty retreat. It took every inch of strength within my small frame to control the overwhelming urge to run away. Fear tightened my throat as intimidation, unworthiness, and hate I couldn’t explain turned somersaults in my stomach. Suddenly I hated myself for letting […]

When The Church Prefers Perpetrators

17 June 2013, 06:00



Occasionally Recovering Grace likes to offer other articles and resources that our readers may find helpful in their road to recovery. The following linked article is very thought provoking and one that everyone should read and ponder. After all, Jesus came to care for the broken and needy, not protect the proud and haughty. “The […]

When We Criticize The Church

13 May 2013, 06:00

Micah J. Murray


We were sold a package deal. Truth and lies, hope and despair, real and fake — all tied up in a neat package with a bow and sold to us with the label of “Christianity.” The men in the suits with all the words told us that what they taught was true. They said it […]

When the Courtship Crashes

2 May 2013, 06:00



“Lindsey? Do you miss them?”  The swing creaked as I pushed a blonde boy who attended our church.We came from different families, backgrounds, and were far apart in age, but today I’d been drawn to play with him by one thing in common. Our friends were gone. “Yeah.”  “Did you tell them not to come […]

Created to Worship

29 August 2011, 06:00



My family joined the Advanced Training Institute (ATI) when I was four years old. We were one of the first year “pilot” families. We attended the Basic and Advanced Seminars as we had time, or when they were close. We were consistently involved in the homeschooling program, as well as Character First!, TELOS, and other […]


2 August 2011, 15:00



Church is always an emotional landmine for me. I enter the sanctuary, wary and on guard. Fearful the smallest, most innocuous phrase will bring tears to my eyes and block my voice. Things most Christians take for granted and don’t give a second thought, send me over the edge. Certain events often bring on inappropriate emotional […]