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Category Archives: What Now? Life After ATI

Establishing a Career the Hard Way

11 June 2012, 06:00



A number of  former ATI (Advanced Training Institute) students have shared their post-ATI experiences in light of ATI’s position against pursuing higher education.  This is “Julia’s” story: I want to start off by saying I greatly value most things about my upbringing. But how I plan for the future now is based largely on my […]

When the Formula Fails

1 June 2012, 06:00



The Wall Imagine yourself in a tunnel facing a wall that appears to seal off the tunnel. Your goal is to get through the tunnel to the other side but the wall is in your way. Fortunately, you have learned that the wall moves as you push it. You begin to push the wall down […]

Finding My Self Worth

28 May 2012, 06:00



I had thought my anger was long past. I was convinced that I had forgiven and moved forward. And here I am. Over the past several months I have learned new things about myself and about others within ATI (the Advanced Training Institute) that have caused the tears to flow… again. Sometimes in a healing […]

To My Daughter

14 May 2012, 06:00



Dear one, I am sorry for all the mistakes I made along the way. I looked to a program to validate what we believed we should do for our children by home educating them. I was more concerned about finishing the “race” (all the required booklets) and having good reports to send off to Headquarters, […]

Unprepared for Life

26 March 2012, 06:00



What was your educational and vocational experience? I never went to college. When I finally moved out at age 25, I struggled a lot to support myself. I had little experience interacting with people outside the Christian homeschool community, and very few job skills. I moved six hours away from my family for a job, […]

The Aftermath of ATI and its Aversion to Higher Education: Part 2

29 February 2012, 06:00



This article continues a two-part series as students share the long-term effects of ATI’s teaching against college.         College was evil in my family. My parents have changed their views on this now, but still don’t put a huge emphasis on the importance of a degree. So now, I have 3 siblings […]

The Aftermath of ATI and its Aversion to Higher Education: Part 1

27 February 2012, 06:00



In the early days of ATI (Advanced Training Institute), families with a student in college were denied enrollment. While the official policy changed early on in the program, the philosophy of discouraging higher education continues to this day. The reasons given are varied, but the bottom line is clear: Students frequently were not encouraged or […]

I Kissed Courtship Goodbye!

13 February 2012, 06:00



When I was in my early 20’s I spent about 13 months working at an ACE school in Mexico. It so happened that one of my brother’s friends, a guy I had met previously at the IBLP (Institute in Basic Life Principles) Dallas Training Center, lived there as well. His family would frequently have me […]

My Journey Toward Healing (So Far)

2 February 2012, 06:00



This is my story of how I have found healing from my experiences in Bill Gothard’s Advanced Training Institute (ATI) and Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP)–and in my family, as it was under the influence of these organizations. You may not agree with how I came to find healing; you may not agree with my […]

Finding the Key

18 January 2012, 06:00



When my husband and I were courting, we carefully set our “line” of physical touch. There would be no kissing until our wedding day; handholding was ok after we were engaged. Yes, we were following the “courtship model,” albeit loosely. We had been friends and had a lot contact before we were officially courting. We […]