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Articles about how Bill Gothard mishandles the Bible to support his legalistic viewpoint.

Personal testimonies of finding true freedom through God's matchless grace.

Living and thriving through the grace of God.

Stories and accounts of the destruction caused by the teachings of Bill Gothard.

Category Archives: gracenotes

Seen “Shiny Happy People?”

31 May 2023, 14:00



Welcome to Recovering Grace! We want to extend a warm welcome to all the visitors who have come to our website due to the release of the documentary “Shiny Happy People” on Amazon Prime. While we want to clarify that Recovering Grace did not produce this documentary, we understand that it may generate increased interest […]

Plaintiffs Amend Lawsuit Against IBLP, Also Sue Bill Gothard

10 January 2016, 20:56



Dear Recovering Grace Reader, There has been a rather large development in the legal proceedings surrounding Bill Gothard and the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP). This past Wednesday, January 6, 2016, Attorney David Gibbs III filed an amended complaint on behalf of ten women who allege Bill Gothard sexually abused and/or harassed them, along with […]

Negligence Lawsuit Filed Against IBLP

21 October 2015, 13:03



Dear Recovering Grace Reader, Late yesterday afternoon we received an email from a Texas-based law firm notifying us that a lawsuit had been filed against the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) and its current board members, John Stancil, Anthony Burrus, Gil Bates, Timothy Levendusky, Stephen Paine, and David York. The lawsuit (which we have reviewed in its […]

Speaking Up Late in the Day

3 May 2014, 08:48



Over the past two weeks and previous two Aprils, Recovering Grace has focused on personal narratives by former Advanced Training Institute (ATI) alumni who endured sexual assault, abuse, or harassment in the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) subculture, sometimes within a context of broader physical abuse, and almost always within a context of spiritual […]

Bill Gothard Issues Public Statement

17 April 2014, 22:59



Bill Gothard has released a public statement via his personal web site. The statement is quoted in full below.

How Could This Happen Here?

15 April 2014, 08:42



Recovering Grace will observe Sexual Assault Awareness Month for the remainder of April.   In April 2012 and 2013, we published some very difficult stories of sexual abuse in ATI [Advanced Training Institute] families. Some critics objected that these families were extreme outliers within the program, and that ATI and IBLP have never condoned sexual […]

An Update from Recovering Grace

25 March 2014, 06:00



Dear Recovering Grace Reader, It has now been twenty days since Bill Gothard resigned as the president of the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP). We have been relatively quiet about these developments since our initial response on March 6 simply because we, like many of you, are waiting to see (a) whether this resignation […]

Questions from the Mailbag

19 February 2014, 13:22



Recovering Grace has been receiving many questions via email and through comments on our site. This is an understandable result of the current series of articles running on Recovering Grace. To more efficiently answers these questions, we have prepared the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Q. What is Recovering Grace doing to pursue legal action […]

The GOTHARD Files: A Case for Disqualification

3 February 2014, 06:00



Dear Recovering Grace Reader, Today we would like to prayerfully share with you some important information about what is going to be happening on our website over the next few months. When we launched our website in July of 2011, we did so with the express mission of helping people whose lives have been impacted […]

2013 Year in Review

6 January 2014, 06:00



Dear Recovering Grace Reader, We hope and pray that you have had a blessed holiday season. As we move into 2014, we’d like to take this opportunity to share with you how God is continuing to use our website to help others, as well as to look back at our top 10 posts of 2013. […]