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Dear Recovering Grace Reader,
One of our primary goals at Recovering Grace is to provide an avenue for healing to those who have been affected by the teachings of Bill Gothard, the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), and the Advanced Training Institute (ATI). At times we approach this goal by sharing testimonies of those who have found freedom in Christ, or by sharing helpful insights for living the Christian life the way Jesus intended. At other times we take a more painful approach as we share stories of the negative results of Gothard’s teachings and activities. We’ve found both types of stories to be extremely helpful to people who are in the various stages of coming out of legalism–whether they are still entrapped, seeking the truth for the first time, or searching for ways to recover.
Sometimes when we expose problems with IBLP and ATI, people question why Recovering Grace does not follow the principles found in Matthew 18 and approach Bill Gothard personally. We absolutely affirm that Matthew 18, as a means of seeking personal reconciliation between two believers, is an essential and biblical model. Because of this, we would exhort all who write or post on our site to take seriously this positive step of personally confronting someone who has ‘sinned against you’ (v. 15), creating the opportunity to work out personal injury in conversation. If the person refuses to listen, then bring one or two people along with you as a second attempt. If they still refuse to listen, it becomes a matter to bring before the local church. If this last effort is still refused, the church is to consider that person an “outsider,” or someone who is unsaved (a “tax collector” or “pagan”).
All that being said, Recovering Grace does not believe our issues with Bill Gothard are the type that Christ is speaking to in this passage. Our issues are primarily doctrinal, as they deal with what we believe to be faulty interpretations of Scripture–and the effects of such–rather than personal offenses by Bill Gothard against us. As any person who has spent time browsing our site will notice, we firmly believe that Gothard teaches a definition of grace and a view of sanctification that misses the heart of the gospel and of the New Testament. This leads to many negative consequences of which we seek to warn others.
We believe that there are several biblical precedents for addressing doctrinal and behavioral concerns in a public forum. Indeed, Paul publicly called out several individuals without any evidence of prior face-to-face meetings, including Demas, Hymenaeus and Philetus, and Hymenaeus and Alexander. Paul publicly called out Peter “to his face” before an assembly of apostles and church leaders. In fact, the impetus for many of Paul’s epistles came from situations of doctrinal misapplication or moral failure. Paul uses the public forum of his epistles to admonish those at fault rather than following the steps of Matthew 18 (see, for instance, Gal. 1:6-7, 1 Cor. 5:1-2, Php. 4:2). In each of these examples, Paul is addressing matters that concern the peace and purity of the church rather than personal affronts. We believe the issues addressed on our website are mostly of this broader scope, and while the illustrations may at times include stories of personal injury, they are included to point to a far more systemic problem which is not solved merely by one person forgiving another.
Another reason we do not believe our mission falls under the principles of Matthew 18 is that IBLP and ATI are public, international ministries; therefore, these unresolved issues should be addressed publicly rather than privately. We strongly feel a moral obligation to warn others in both the Christian community and the general public, so that they might avoid needless pain and damage that comes from embracing a lifestyle of works-based sanctification.
The ATI program has been used by thousands of homeschooling families for nearly three decades, and the teachings are largely a matter of public record. Thus, these are not issues of personal offense between Bill Gothard and specific individuals, but rather Bill Gothard and the general public. And as previous attempts have shown, personal meetings with Bill Gothard only serve to keep the concerns out of public view, but actually do nothing to help those who have suffered or warn those who are thinking of immersing their families in this program.
Bill Gothard has been confronted about numerous issues in the past by the IBLP board and, in several cases, by individuals who were offended. Instead of confessing and repenting, he has strong-armed those who questioned him. He has proven that he is not in submission to his board, nor does it appear that he is in submission to any local church or pastor (other than in theory only). Therefore, by his own actions, he himself has precluded the possibility of following Matthew 18, even if it did apply situationally.
No church or organization is perfect, and people will be hurt in the course of normal life–we understand this. But in the words of Johnson and Van Vonderen, “The difference between an abusive and a non-abusive system is that while hurtful behaviors might happen in both, it is not permissible to talk about problems, hurts and abuses in the abusive system. Hence, there is no healing and restoration after the wound has occurred, and the victim is made to feel at fault for questioning and pointing out the problem.” (The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse, 1991, p. 32) In authoritarian systems like IBLP, Matthew 18 can be wrongly used by those in power as a tool to coerce silence, rather than as a map to reconciliation.
Although Bill Gothard has repeatedly and habitually acted in bad faith towards those under his authority, our goal is honestly not to hurt or attack him out of revenge. Our call to him is for repentance and restoration with his Heavenly Father, his Christian brothers and sisters, and even those who have left the faith as a result of his system. God cares for all of us, victim and perpetrator alike. We believe with all of our hearts that His grace is able to bring about restoration, forgiveness, and healing in even the most difficult situations.
The RG leadership team
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By JM, October 24, 2024Copyright © 2011-2023 Recovering Grace. All rights reserved. RecoveringGrace.org collects no personal information other than what you share with us. Some opinions on this site are not the opinions of Recovering Grace. If you believe copyrighted work to be published here without permission or attribution, please email: [email protected]
Thank you!
Thank you! I really liked this article!
Very true! Thank you for clarifying this important issue.
Praise God for this website - it's challenged BG like no other effort has ever been able to because ATI/IBLP folks can't use their favorite technique (discredit the messenger) to neutralize it. There's no one person standing up against BG for him and his allies to take down - it's all of us, the survivors of his graceless system, standing up together and sharing our stories. We can't be discredited and we won't be silent until we've warned those coming behind us of the dangers of BG's teachings.
"[I]t's all of us, the survivors of his graceless system, standing up together and sharing our stories. We can't be discredited and we won't be silent until we've warned those coming behind us of the dangers of BG's teachings."
Thank you, Alex. To me your statement is the essence of Recovering Grace.
bill g. will never repent or change his ways,, you need to remember, bill's system is all about looking good on the outside and it would be a HUGE embarassment to him and his system if he would ever have to humble himself and admit that he was wrong about something. Actually, he seems to be pushing back more so now- I am getting more e-mails from iblp about conferences then I ever did,, and bill is always trying in those annoucements to tell what impressive things he is doing (to screw up someone's life).
As the eternal optimist (sometimes naively so) I hope that he one day will repent. My grandfather came to Christ at the age of 79, 2 years before he passed away from cancer. You're correct in that he is fighting it with everything he has, but I hope we can continue to pray that God touches his heart somehow in some way before he has to stand before the throne.
Christina, I truly hope your optimism is rewarded. Bill is an influential man. Perhaps he could use that influence in the latter years of his life to help repair and restore, and to communicate true grace to his many followers.
Can you imagine the impact for Christ if BG would repent?
Let him continue to toot his own horn. It puts his arrogant spiritual pride on display, and gives us more examples of his misguided theology.
"Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin"
I felt like the man who was stripped, beaten, and left for dead in Luke Chapter 10. I was, and still am, picking up the pieces in my life from following the false teachings of BG. I had no help, no guidance, and just try to talk to a counselor about it all. The ones I encountered did not understand the cult teachings I had been a victim of. I feel like RG has been the Good Samaritan in my life. RG has not asked for anything in return and only sought to help me and others heal in a Christlike manner. RG has believed me concerning the pain and struggles I encountered in ATI. They have given me information about books to aid in my recovery. Further, RG has directed me to counseling where I am finally finding help with someone who understands and is not shocked when I try to tell them of my past. Thank you for your sacrificial work RG. May God bless you as abundantly, as you have blessed so very many of us.
"A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went away leaving him half dead. And by chance a priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. Likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion, and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them; and he put him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn and took care of him. On the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return I will repay you.' Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers' hands?" And he said, "The one who showed mercy toward him." Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do the same." (Luke 10:30-37 NASB)
God's grace is big enough for even BG's repentance. Praise Jesus, there is room for Bill at the cross as well! And God can restore all he has broken. If he does repent, what a marvelous, marvelous sight that would be!
Oh, absolutely!
Well said. And it needed to be said. Thank you.
If only his publishing department would stop filtering the flood of new concepts that he has after his extended fasts early in each year, we all would have been exposed to the junk that they know we would immediately reject.
Those are the people who have been "scubbing" his ideas year after year to keep them acceptable to the public. It's the reason why his staff is all on pins and needles every time he speaks publicly--no safety net.
Actually, it is now only a matter of time until it disintegrates seeing that he is demanding that everyone on staff be in "one accord" with him. All I can say is, "If you choose to stick around, please, do not drink the cup!"
We can hope he will repent, but it is against his very nature to do so. If he walks in the Spirit and denies his flesh, it is possible. We can hope that he will cease to walk in the flesh.
I was in ATI for 20 years and another 9 years around his IBLP teachings. Even if he would "repent" in the face of recent allegations, it would not repair the damage from the false doctrines he has published. These must be spoken against using solid exigesis of Scripture as they are within the jurisdiction of the church and not the para-church.
"Even if he would "repent" in the face of recent allegations, it would not repair the damage from the false doctrines he has published. These must be spoken against using solid exigesis of Scripture as they are within the jurisdiction of the church and not the para-church."
Very true!
Thank you for this, and right on.
This is a beautifully written note. It truly reflects hearts that are not bitter, but are healed, and reaching forth to help others find healing. I love that your goals are not slanderous (I wouldn't stick around if I thought that it was), but that you're seeking to protect others from going through the same thing. I'm proud to call you my brothers and sisters!
I have an honest question. Where is a Biblical mandate that the head of the house is to be "in submission" to a pastor? I thought that we have Jesus as our high priest. (?) The comment about Gothard not being in submission to a pastor or deacon board bothers me. (...and not because I think his positions are justified).
I am looking for an honest answer...
I will take a stab at this, based on what I think you are asking -
Are you referring to this statement from the original post?
He has proven that he is not in submission to his board, nor does it appear that he is in submission to any local church or pastor (other than in theory only). Therefore, by his own actions, he himself has precluded the possibility of following Matthew 18, even if it did apply situationally.
I don't believe this is claiming that there is a biblical mandate that the head of the household be in submission to a pastor.
As I read it, it is referring to the pragmatic reality that even if someone wanted to go with Gothard to Gothard's church leadership, it would be difficult or impossible to know who that would be. Matthew 18 (and First and Second Corinthians by example) seems to assume that a person is in fellowship in a local church in such a way that the church's leadership could declare them to be out of fellowship, and then later acknowledge them to be restored to fellowship. The question with Gothard: which church is in a position to do this? If you had an issue with him and you wanted to meet with both him and his church leadership, who are the leaders with whom you would meet?
From Gothard's teachings, not necessarily from Scripture, there is a very strong emphasis on authority, such that the man is said to be in submission to his boss and church leadership. If his own rules applied, he would be in submission to some leadership somewhere. The practical question again: to whom is he in submission?
Does that help answer your question or am I missing you?
Yes. So he cannot be labelled "out of fellowship" with the church of Gothard...how convenient!
I have to admit I am also curious about the "submission" topic because I have been accused of being "not in submission to the pastor" and I fail to see how that accusation, whether true or not, is negative.
I am not sure, but I think that I, as the father in the home, am not supposed to regard a pastor as more than the organizer and point-of-contact for the church. Respect? Sure. I want to say that I respect anyone who can organizer a herd of sheep. Submit? I don't think that I am supposed to submit anymore that "submit one to another".
Again, I'm not trying to be "snooty", but the thinking wheels are turning about whether I am supposed to be in submission to a pastor/church/shepherd/etc...
There are some very good comments about this issue, including some of the verses that talk about submission (Heb 13:17, Romans 13:1-2), in the book "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" which I've been blogging through, and the most recent chapter that was posted is particularly relevent: https://www.recoveringgrace.org/2012/08/the-subtle-power-of-spiritual-abuse-chapter-9-because-im-the-pastor-thats-why/#more
One of the things that book brings out is that "power posturing" is very often a core component of spiritually abusive systems. I would not want to say that you never submit, but when you do submit to spiritual leaders it is because they are lining up with God's truth and they are speaking truth to you, it is not because they have intrinsic authority in themselves. Moses didn't have intrinsic authority, Timothy didn't, Paul didn't, and no pastor today does either. Those leaders were able to speak with authority because they spoke God's truth, but it wasn't intrinsic authority such as "Because I'm the pastor, that's why!"
[...] Recovering Grace does not believe our issues with Bill Gothard are the type that Christ is speaking to in Matthew 18. Our issues are primarily doctrinal, as they pertain to what we believe are faulty interpretations of Scripture–and the effects of such–rather than personal offenses by Bill Gothard against us. As any person who has spent time browsing our site will notice, we firmly believe that Gothard teaches a definition of grace and a view of sanctification that misses the heart of the gospel and of the New Testament. This leads to many negative consequences of which we seek to warn others. For our complete stance on Matthew 18, please read this article. [...]
[...] pointed out that his own teachings on Matthew 18 required him to send the tattlers back to me without listening to their accusations. That his own [...]