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Dear Recovering Grace Readers,
This month has been a sobering one for Recovering Grace. While we are aware that many of these stories have been difficult to read, we absolutely believe that they needed to be told. Based on the overwhelming traffic to our site this month, we believe that they have had an inestimable impact in bringing the truth to light. And based on the many comments and emails we have received, we believe without a shadow of a doubt that there are many more hurting individuals that need to discover the healing grace of Jesus.
As we conclude the April series on sexual abuse, we wanted to share with you a few practical ways you can be involved in the war against sexual abuse and harassment. This is so much bigger than just IBLP, ATI, or Bill Gothard, and involves children that each of us come into contact with every day.
REPENT: If you were convicted of wrong personal behavior through what you read in this series, you need to repent and turn away from these sinful behaviors. Sexual abuse and harassment causes lasting damage in the lives of children and adults alike. You need to admit you need help, and make things right with those you have offended.
We make this same call to Bill Gothard. We received an overwhelming response to the article on Sexual Harassment at Headquarters, and upon further investigation have discovered that this pattern of behavior has been ongoing for 40 years. It was first exposed publicly in an account published by the LA Times on April 5, 1982, an account we verified with an eyewitness to this incident just this past week. And one of our website commenters told of her experiences which took place in 2011. This, and many other first-hand accounts, has established there is a pattern of inappropriate behavior that Bill Gothard needs to confess and repent of. Furthermore, we believe that this pattern of unrepentant sin disqualifies him from ministry under the Biblical guidelines for spiritual leadership given in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. We call upon Bill Gothard and the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) Board to take the appropriate Biblical action.
REPORT: Perhaps you are aware of children who have been abused or whom you suspect are currently being abused. One of the issues within IBLP leadership that was illustrated through this series was the failure to report and proactively confront known sexual and physical abuse. Although IBLP may have thought they had no legal obligation to report such abuse, they most certainly had an ethical obligation before God to protect the innocent. However, we believe the leadership was blinded by their extreme authoritarian leanings to the point that they could not believe the children over the parents.
We plead with you, our readers: If you ever observe or become suspicious of any form of childhood abuse, it is your Christian duty to become involved. It may only take a few questions to draw out the truth, but you might need to dig deeper and report your concerns to the appropriate civil authorities. You do not have to have concrete evidence to report suspected abuse. You only have to have reasonable suspicion, and the authorities will investigate. Remember–most of the families in this month’s series appeared to be normal, healthy ATI families on the surface. Please don’t ever cease to be vigilant.
REACH OUT: Finally, perhaps you have been sexually or physically abused. Don’t suffer alone. Don’t keep it a secret. There are people out there who can help you. Recovering Grace has set up a special email address where you can seek help confidentially. Please email us at [email protected]. We can help you find the help you need.
Additionally, many young ladies have contacted us stating that they also experienced sexual harassment by Bill Gothard. If this describes you, and you would like to help put a stop to this 40-year pattern of behavior, you can email us using the same secure address: [email protected]. You can report confidentially what happened, and your personal, identifiable information will not be shared without your express written consent.
As we move out of this series and into other issues related to finding grace in post-IBLP life, we would like to say that sexual abuse and harassment are just two of many byproducts of a system that corrupts the power of the gospel into a system of bondage based on outward performance. Our ongoing ministry will continue to focus on sharing stories of recovering grace, giving practical insights for healing from spiritual abuse, and untwisting the beauty of the gospel from the thorns of legalistic moralism.
~The RG Leadership Team
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By JM, October 24, 2024Copyright © 2011-2023 Recovering Grace. All rights reserved. RecoveringGrace.org collects no personal information other than what you share with us. Some opinions on this site are not the opinions of Recovering Grace. If you believe copyrighted work to be published here without permission or attribution, please email: [email protected]
Outstanding work this month RG Leadership crew. Thanks for what you do and how you are helping. Let us continue praying for more healing and grace for those hurting and in need.
Thank you RG team for all you do to bring healing and grace to our lives. I have been immeasurably blessed by you all, and the authors of the articles who have shared their lives so publicly! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I pray that God blesses your lives.
Well done.
Well said. Thank you for publishing this very difficult series.
do you have the LA Times article from April 5, 1982 on this?
Hi Anonymous, I did a quick search and it looks like you have to purchase the article from the LA Times archives, but it's not very expensive ($3.95 for the pdf). Here's the link I found for the article: http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/663742282.html?FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:AI&type=historic&date=Apr+5%2C+1982&author=RUSSELL+CHANDLER&pub=Los+Angeles+Times+%281923-Current+File%29&edition=&startpage=B3&desc=Moral%2C+Morale+Questions+Rock+Gothard+Ministry
Thanks! :)
Interestingly, it seems that the author of that 1982 article is now an instructor at World Journalism Institute . . . I wonder if he is interested in doing a 30-year follow up to his story? =)
That's an interesting thought!
Thank you Recovering Grace for getting the word out about this painful and difficult subject as well as exposing the inapproriate behavior of Bill Gothard that apparently has been ongoing for a very long time. May each person who shared continue to find healing and may others find healing as they read their stories.
I agree with Tammy. Thank you Recovering Grace for the work you are doing. You are aiding a multitude to recover and heal, of whom I am one. Please continue to shine light on what has been hidden and silenced.
Thank you also for your work to reveal the truth of His grace, the work He did for us, and to silence the voice of legalism that so many of us were held in bondage to.
I emailed the [email protected] address and asked for a response the HQ abuse article. I got a response yesterday (5-2):
Thank you for your inquiry. We are preparing a response and will send it to you as soon as it is done.
Bill Gothard
Though I personally had a very positive ATI/IBLP experience this is wrong that it happened. It will be interesting to see how he responds.
Will definitely be interested to see his response when he responds.
IF he responds. Wouldn't put it past him to conveniently forget.
Gothard originally called his "Umbrella" the "Chain of Authority." Interestingly, CNN published a story during April detailing how sexual abuse (rape) in the military is aided by abuse of authority. The women who reported being raped were dismissed from service for being "crazy." Said one woman, "I couldn't trust my chain of command to ever back me up." http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/14/health/military-sexual-assaults-personality-disorder/index.html
To a large degree, any child or wife abused in an "authoritarian" home, further hidden under authoritarian spiritual leaders, suffers the same despair regarding authority. If help does not come from the authority, then help must come from outside.
I can't thank you enough for all you guys are doing on RG. It has been huge in my healing process as I deal with the lies, abuse, trauma, etc. from my years in ATI. Thank you!
Don't people take a risk to post publicly, anyway? Isn't the commentor responsible for how much info they reveal about themselves? Unless RG disclosed the commentor's e-mail address, I can't see how they were responsible. Just my opinion.
I agree with you Hannah. This is a public forum. Nobody forces anyone to comment that I am aware of. People post of their own freewill and share what they desire.
I am so grateful this is finally coming out. I only wish there was a way to chronicle and poignantly expose IBLP's emotional manipulation, which preys especially on uneducated low-income families and results in a devastating loss of resources (money, time, energy) and cripples personal, spiritual, and academic growth. For shame, BG.
So true.
Gothard, continuing his reign of manipulation and controlling behavior.
Seeing that note at the top, just makes we want to say that Bill Gothard needs to either step forward and address the readers and writers publically, or quit snooping around. Christ-honoring leaders speak up instead of attempting to silence the public.
I, for one, refuse to be held captive anymore. "For freedom Christ died" and because of Jesus, I am free today! It has been a long process and I have so much to still work through, but God has been so good. I know Jesus like I never knew Him in ATI, and if it weren't for Him, it is all possible that I would be dead or living in a psychiatric ward.
I am not bitter at my past, but I do feel righteous anger at the incredibly bad theology and "principles" we were fed by people who seemed to be a step closer to God than the rest of us.
But I will no longer follow along with "giving a good report" about life under ATI/IBLP/Gothard. It is wrong to give a good report when it is a blantent lie!
Thank you RG for sharing these stories and publicizing the truth! Keep up the good work, and don't let Bill Gothard keep you from saying what needs to be said.
Is Bill really reading through all these articles and postings? For real? And is he just ambivilant towards the trainwreck he has created...or perhaps he just doesn't care? I would really like to know...
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that although I don't think he's excited or happy about the misery he's caused, he cares more for his own reputation and pride than he cares for us. Perhaps he's even in denial about what he's done, and in a way, I can't blame him for thinking this. Imagine how indescribably difficult it would be to realize and accept that everything you have lived, taught, preached, etc.. is a lie, much less confessing that to your followers? I say this not to defend him in ANY way at all, but to perhaps shed some light on the issue. I know my parents refuse to consider that ATI isn't God's truth, for pretty much the same reasons I've listed above. Pride, denial, fear of being wrong, etc... In a nutshell.
If they ever ask me again to prove to them that BG's teachings aren't Scriptural, I intend to simply smile pleasantly, and say, 'no, YOU prove to me that they ARE Scriptural.' and leave it at that. I know good and well they won't bother trying, and if I tried (again) to talk to them, it would go in one ear and out the other, so there's no point wasting anymore time. There'd be a chance that my comment would bug them enough to actually search the Scriptures eventually, which is what I hope for.
Heather I have tried challenging my ex girlfriends parents on IBLP and ATI teachings they simply shut me out and wont respond. What is sad is they have criticized others for taking these teachings too far then carry on practicing them in secret.
It is almost like they are above defending their beliefs to outsiders.
Question: does IBLP teaching shunning outsiders or those they deem to have fallen into sin?
Yes, IBLP teaches a version of shunning.
If you can label someone a fool, you can say, "Answer not a fool according to his folly." That can end of a lot of legitimate conversations.
Gothard teaches how to silence critics by basically accusing them of evil.
And parents are taught specific steps for shunning their children.