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Dear Recovering Grace Reader,
This week marks the second anniversary of the launching of Recovering Grace. It hardly seems possible that a little over two years ago, our website was only a germ of an idea being shared among a large number of former students of Bill Gothard and his Advanced Training Institute and Institute in Basic Life Principles. What was then just a concept has grown into a major force for healing and growth for thousands who have left the teachings of Gothardism for the lighter yoke that Jesus promises those weary ones who come unto Him.
Since our launch two years ago, we have had over a quarter of a million visits to our site, with more than 1.6 million pages viewed! Many of you have emailed or commented on our site saying how much Recovering Grace has meant to you, thanking us for our work. Recovering Grace is indeed a labor of love by a large number of volunteers and we are grateful for your support.
The Birth of IBLP
We wanted to take this opportunity to briefly mention two other anniversaries. Forty-eight years ago this year, Bill Gothard developed what would become the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP). He was set on this path at Wheaton College, where he was first invited to teach his materials to graduate and undergraduate students who were studying there at the time. The seminars quickly grew in attendance, as did Gothard’s influence in the American church.
Even in these early days, there were many who had concerns about Gothard’s teachings. In 1976, a Lutheran minister named Wilfred Bockelman wrote a controversial book critiquing the Basic Seminar, particularly the “chain-of-command” teaching. A few years later theologian Ronald Allen penned a paper entitled “Issues of Concern—Bill Gothard and the Bible.” Many of the concerns these men leveled against Gothard back then are the same issues that have consistently yielded bad fruit over the past five decades. The Church owes a huge debt of gratitude to these men who stood up to Gothard’s unbiblical teachings at a time when those who did so risked personal and professional loss, due to Gothard’s extraordinary popularity.
Unfortunately, the massive crowds attending the seminars in the 1970s and 1980s seemed to equate the teachings of Bill Gothard with the teachings of Jesus. Most weren’t open to an honest critique of the Basic Seminar. Gothard presented a Christian life that was packaged into seven basic principles they could follow to “guarantee” success. They failed to realize that the teachings of Gothard only masked symptoms and put a bandaid over root issues. Many people were quick to give Gothard credit for saving marriages, but in reality, many of these marriages and families later imploded under the stress of these legalistic principles. Gothard’s teachings don’t ultimately change lives; only the gospel of Jesus Christ and the work of His Holy Spirit makes a lasting difference. Had Gothard simply preached the name of Jesus and shared the truth of real gospel, this year could have been a 48th anniversary worth celebrating. If only more people in the Church had taken a stand in pointing out the lack of conformity to the gospel in Gothard’s teachings.
The Scandal
Thirty-three years ago this month on July 6, 1980, Bill Gothard was forced to resign from his position at the Institute due to a number of well-documented abuses of his authority—ranging from misappropriating finances and bribery (Christianity Today, Feb. 6, 1981), to “patting and fondling women employees” (LA Times, April 5, 1982), to ongoing attempts to cover up his sinful behavior and the sexual deviancy of his brother. (For more background on the multi-year evolution of this scandal, you can read A Matter of Basic Principles (AMOBP) by Veinot and Henzel.)
In a move that underscored his lack of repentance, just days after Gothard’s forced resignation he managed to have nationally known Christian leaders—Dr. Charles Stanley, Dr. Jack Taylor, Rev. Miles Seaborne, Rev. Gordon Dorian, and Mr. Jim Sammons, as named on page 60 of AMOBP—fly in to berate the Institute staff and leadership for their “rebellion” against Gothard (a “rebellion” of calling him to account for his well-documented sinful actions and shady dealings). Over the next week, 31 staff members were fired, dismissed, or resigned, and a total of 50 out of 76 were gone by December. Gothard was able to “simply resume his position, as though he were returning from a brief vacation.”
Again, these powerful leaders in the Christian church ignored the very issues—legalism, greed, bribery, sexual deviancy, and dishonesty—that would continue to damage thousands of lives over the next thirty-three years. Had those men simply adhered to the teachings of Jesus and considered the plight of the powerless staff workers and Board who they were coercing into silence, they may have precluded years of false teachings that have ripped apart numerous churches and families. Because these Christian leaders defended Gothard and refused to see and believe the truth about him, merely four years later Gothard was able to start an experimental home-schooling program: the Advanced Training Institute of America, which allowed him unfettered access to sexually harass even more young women. If only these Christian leaders had been brave enough to question a man they respected, and not assume him incapable of sin—it would have spared a lot of heartache.
Looking Forward
One of the purposes of Recovering Grace is to be a clear, unified voice of truth. As former ATI students, many of whom worked closely and personally with Bill Gothard, we are continuing the work of Bockelman, Allen, and the 1980s staff of the Institute. Many good people stood against Bill Gothard in the past, risking everything to speak out against him. In the coming months we will revisit some of their stories in more detail. We will also continue to share new stories that expose Gothard’s most recent behavior, and we will show how the stories of past decades and of today work together to paint a true portrait of the man whom so many have blindly followed and trusted through the years.
We would ask you to join with us in taking this stand for truth in the days ahead by sharing our website with others who have been influenced by Gothard, and by praying daily for the Recovering Grace team. Much of what we do is mentally, physically, and emotionally draining, especially the “behind the scenes” work of answering emails, providing counseling resources, and helping individuals work through personal backgrounds filled with all types of spiritual, emotional, and physical abuse. This type of ministry is never seen publicly, but we believe it is an extremely important part of what God has called us to do. There is much work to be done, but it is only through God’s sustaining grace that we will be able accomplish it. Recovering Grace is truly God’s work brought about in His own timing, and we are simply being obedient to His call on our lives, speaking truth and shining light into the darkness. We covet your prayers on our behalf.
Thank you for journeying with us,
The RG Leadership Team
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By JM, October 24, 2024Copyright © 2011-2023 Recovering Grace. All rights reserved. RecoveringGrace.org collects no personal information other than what you share with us. Some opinions on this site are not the opinions of Recovering Grace. If you believe copyrighted work to be published here without permission or attribution, please email: [email protected]
A big thank you to everyone who is involved in anyway with Recovering Grace. It's evident that your hard work is bringing healing to many. May this year be the turning point that opens the eyes of those who are still blinded to the truth of Bill's false teachings and inappropriate behavior. Praying that Bill will see his sinful behavior as it really is and repent, confess his wrongdoings both privately and publically, seek forgiveness and restoration with the many that he has hurt. God bless you all.
This blog post understates the damage, IMHO. At least tens of thousands of people have been hurt directly by IBLP, and it's fair to say that millions have been damaged by the teachings being passed along.
Many pastors must have loved the idea of enhancing their authority with their flocks; otherwise, where was the outcry? And you are naming some of the more prominent leaders who jumped on board, but you stop short of calling them out. For the record, some "big people" owe some mighty big apologies to the Church. They can submit their statements/apologies to RG for publication, right?
I pray that more and more people gain the boldness to tell the stories that they need to share. RG, best wishes for a third year that is blindingly bright with holy light.
You are absolutely right in stating that this blog understates the damage and the evil of Gothardism. Bill Gothard does teach many false things about Christianity, but it needs to be seen that he teaches a false Christianity, period. His is, "another gospel," and exactly what Paul wrote against in Galatians. Legalism is not merely a little bit off, or close but not true, or too much law. Legalism is SIN and unbelief and a false gospel -- Paul says those who are in it have fallen from grace, such that Christ is of no effect for them. That is about as serious as can be. Legalism is the leaven that destroys the entire lump, and blinds people to the Truth of Jesus Christ. There are people who can look Gothardism right in the face and deny it is legalism. That is the extent of the blindness. May God set those who truly want to be free truly free through a knowledge of His Son.
Jay, good word. It would raise my respect of any of those leaders so much if they would step up and admit they had good intentions but got it wrong when they came down on the side of the one using his power to lord it over those who were being hurt. Most of those preachers would encourage their congregations to be bold and courageous in admitting fault, in extending an apology and a listening ear to those whom they have wronged (albeit unintentionally) and then accepting God's grace in moving forward. This would be a great opportunity for them to lead by example.
I think my parents would have made other choices about our future--at least I hope so--were they to have known this. Sammons and the others have a lot to answer for.
It makes me rethink my responses to the whispers I heard during my time at Indy. I thought them disloyal and seditious at the time. And I judged the whisperers. Shame on me.
Happy birthday, Recovering Grace!!!
My most sincere thanks to everyone who contributes in any way to this site.
It has helped me so much as I attempt to unravel the invisible chains that created a theology of gender as destiny and authority as the voice of God. I am beginning to believe that God is good again. For so very long He was nothing but judgement. Judgement when I did wrong. Judgement when I questioned authority. Judgement when I needed something and wasn't good enough to deserve His help. Judgement when I felt an ungodly emotion, such as anger, fear, or even sadness.
I hope that someday my thinking will default to God *as* love, rather than anger.
There are no words to express how deeply your ministry is needed and appreciated.
"I am beginning to believe that God is good again. For so very long He was nothing but judgement..."
oh how true and how deep that statement melted into my heart. I have walked in God's judgement too long.
As you are aware I was never part of the Gothite movement myself my own spiritual abuse came through legalistic church fellowships and a para church movement I was involved in. However what I have experienced mentally and spiritually is identical to you guys. My heart goes out to you and I am blessed by your ministry. It is no accident I came across Recovering Grace. I pray it remains current and relevant while reaching those under Gothard's bond of legalism to set them free
Good job, RG! I appreciate all you've done, and am glad so many have found healing as a result. I will continue to pray for wisdom for all of you and others, including those other men you mentioned, and lawyers and judges who may be contacted to see what legal action can be taken and how.
I must confess, I have supported IBLP in some small ways. I bought the Duggars' books and Erin Bates' CDs.(though, the most recent one I found that the Bates have someone else handling their sales) I did that through the Canadian branch, since I'm Canadian. ATI has not branched into Canada yet(?) so may those at the IBLP Canada office have wisdom too. I now wonder if Bill Gothard has ever been there? Much as I enjoy the reading material and the music, I feel guilty if it helped the process of over-control that most of you have experienced or been pressured to act on.
The contact person at IBLP Canada is a Miss Patricia something. It's in another province so I can't go there just like that. Patricia, if you read this, my prayers are with you as well, along with everyone else you work with. May the truth be revealed and set all free and may you all have wisdom in the meantime. Thanks for serving me well.
ATI was active in Canada about 15 years ago I knew an ATI family from Alberta. This family had been leaders in the Canadian homeschool movement.
Thanks again to the folks who run R.G. and congrats on your two years of service. I am extremely grateful for you all, keep up the good work.